Posts from November 2022

Posts from November 2022

For Unto Us… 11.30.22

How are you doing today? How is your spirit? What is your level of morale? How’s your attitude? Hope is a powerful thing. Are you letting it influence you? It was hope that had the little orphan Annie singing “The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow.”  It was hope of being together that united Woody the Cowboy and all of Andy’s toys to save Buzz Lightyear from a certain end in the hands of Sid, the kid next door.  It was hope…

For Unto Us… 11.28.22

When all seems lost where do you go for encouragement and hope? I have many conversations with people who are so overwhelmed by the chaos that surrounds us every day. The season of Advent is a great time to slow down and observe God’s hand in our lives throughout this past year. Once we exhale it is not hard to see God’s grace and mercy in all our lives, and the blessings that He has given to us because of…