Chuck Reed

Chuck Reed

Chuck Reed arrived at First Baptist in February of 2011 as the Senior Pastor. Two things Pastor Chuck says often are “There are No Perfect People Allowed at FBCAtown, because there aren’t any”, and “Our goal is to see people like Jesus sees them.” As He shepherds First Baptist he emphasizes the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40), and the Great Commitment (Ephesians 4:11-17) as the scriptural motivations for every aspect of ministry.

Chuck has diverse experience in ministry. He has filled roles in ministry as a music minister, youth pastor, and senior pastor. In 1992 Chuck earned a B.S. in Business at Bryan College then after a few years of recruiting for his alma mater he attended Dallas Theological Seminary and earned a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. God called him to serve in Nashville for thirteen years as a youth pastor and then as a senior pastor. During that season of ministry, Chuck earned an M.Div in Pastoral Ministry at Trinity Seminary and in 2016 he completed his Ph.D. in Administration with a focus on church administrative leadership.

Chuck and Amy met at Bryan College and have been married for 27 years and have four children: Robbie and Morgan, Rebecca, and Will. Amy takes part in the leadership team focused on women’s ministry, and uses her gift of hospitality to minister to the families of the church.

Chuck loves hanging out with his wife and kids, kayaking when he can, and spending Saturdays in the fall watching Penn State football!

    Associate Pastor
    Adam Deering