The Allentown Baptist Church was founded by three people (two men and a woman) from New York, NY and Philadelphia, PA on  September 21. 1858. The charter was granted on October 3, 1864 by the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County. In this same year, a lot at the comer of Sixth and Chew Street was purchased, at a cost of $1,568, for the erection of a House of Worship. On November 17, 1869, the first church building on this site was dedicated, furnished and paid for at a cost of $11,680.

On July 31, 1903, the cornerstone for the second church building at the corner of Sixth and chew street site was laid. The place was used as a place of worship and service by FBCA until July 25, 1979. The building was extensively renovated several times during this period., especially the portion housing the Sunday School ministry. On February 9, 1971, the corporate name of our church was changed from “The Allentown Baptist Church” to “First Baptist Church, Allentown, Pa.” (FBCA)

On July 16, 1972, the congregation approved the recommendation of the Official Board to relocate to a new site, acquire land, sell existing properties at the Sixth and Chew Street site., develop plans for the new building, Word and secure financial commitments from members and others. No action would be taken if financial commitments were not sufficient to carry the recommendations.  On October 10, 1973 an 8.74 acre site at 19th and Brown Streets was purchased. Between the site purchase and July 29th, 1978, the date of our first service at the present location, all of the items specified in the recommendation were accomplished. The move to the new location was necessary for the continued growth in the life of the church. The new structure was designed by the architectural firm of Miller, Seibert, Ferreira, and Schlicting to accommodate a congregation of 400-500 members. The design provided for growth before expansion was required.

In 1994, an expansion project of the present structure began. In addition the church began having two morning worship services at this time. The new addition provided for additional classrooms, a larger more attractive lobby area, more office space, a commercial style kitchen and a Family Life Center (gym). The expansion permits larger crowds at church sponsored functions, more educational facilities and more opportunities for church outreach. The expansion was completed in 1997.

Our ministry, regardless of our location, has not changed. We remain dedicated to our original purpose – conduct a- bible based ministry and present Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord. We provide opportunities for ministry for the entire church family to produce individual spiritual growth and Christian service at home and on local and global mission fields.

We look forward to the Lord’s continued blessing in His service.